
Hold Me Tight- New Jersey

Hold Me Tight is a relationship enrichment program developed by Dr. Susan Johnson—an internationally recognized researcher and expert in couples therapy. This psychologically educational program has been offered nationally and globally and is based on the wisdom gained from a new scientific understanding of love and the lifelong needs we all have for bonding and a finding shelter in each other. It is designed to teach you and your partner how to move away from cycles of conflict, increase emotional responsiveness, forgive old wounds, and rekindle connection and affection. (http://holdmetightnj.com/)

Hold Me Tight New Jersey is run by Dr. Elisabeth Brown and Dr. Karen Skean, who are both experts in working with couples and the Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) model. It is a 2-day workshop where you can expect to:

  • Explore the feelings and needs underneath your behaviors
  • Deepen both emotional and physical intimacy
  • Repair and forgive old hurts and injuries
  • Discover the emotional connection that creates greater bonding and can keep your love alive so your relationship becomes the safe harbor it was meant to be
  • Affirm strengths in your relationship
  • Address negative interaction patterns
  • Recognize the “demon dialogs” that all couples get caught in and discover what you are really trying to say to each other
  • Recognize underlying reasons for your conflicts
  • Learn how to repair and forgive
  • Improve your communication

For more information and to register for one of the Hold Me Tight New Jersey workshops visit:
